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Friday Five with Mimi Shodeinde

Born and raised in London, designer and interior architect Mimi Shodeinde developed a flair and passion for art at a young age. To this day her drawing and painting skills allow her to explore the beauty between form and function, and how they are interwoven. Earning a degree in Interior Architecture only made Mimi’s desire to play and experiment with the idea of using art to manipulate and create a well-designed space. These lessons are clearly reflected in her creations for Miminat Designs studio. Mimi also draws outside inspiration from her Nigerian heritage as well as her love of travel, the latter giving her cultural handholds that can be incorporated into her designs. These contemporary, quirky yet sophisticated traits lend themselves to her style result in innovative designs that are not only functional, but the nature of art-inspired design. Today Mimi is sharing some of her favorite things in this week’s Friday Five.

Photo via Pixabay

1. My Passport & Drivers License
I can’t imagine what life would be like without my passport (and my driver’s license) that give me the freedom to travel and explore. Since a lot of my products are made around the world, it is important for me to be involved in the process. I have always been interested by how things are made, the manufacturing process is the most exciting part of it all. Walking into new factories, meeting the artisans – I suddenly turn into a kid in a big industrial candy store. I have a lot of respect and admiration towards craftsman, what they do is not easy, especially when it comes to producing a good product. What will we be without them? Apart from traveling for work, I love traveling and experiencing new cultures and meeting new people. I think taxi drivers are the most interesting people on this planet, I love having long conversations with them when I land in a different country. They have seen a lot and have met so many different kinds of characters, so it is always interesting to have a chat, plus they have some of the most hilarious stories.

Photo by Fred Berry

2. Moringa Oil
A friend of mine introduced me to this miracle oil and now I am hooked, it truly is a magical plant. Not only is this oil my go to product, it also has a lot of health benefits. As I am always on the go, it’s important for me to take care of my skin and health. A few drops massaged into my face and drops in my morning lemon tea and I am good to go! (I am an essential oil lover and I can’t live without my oils, my bathroom is filled with them.)

3. Music
My father is one of the most musical people I know, growing up on a Sunday at home he would always play old tracks that were my grandfather’s favourites, ranging from Sam Cooke to Frank Sinatra to old school R&B and rap. I live and breathe music. Currently I am learning to play the electric guitar during my free time, as I think it is important to find hobbies and interest outside of work. I won’t start naming my favourite tracks, as there are so many, but if I could always play a track to get me in a good mood it  would be Sam Cooke’s You Send Me (1985). It reminds me of love and family and those are the most important things to me.

Photo courtesy of APPARTUS STUDIO

4. Talisman Lights by APPARTUS STUDIO
God, these lights are gorgeous and I absolutely adore the guys at APPARTUS and their work. I need their whole collection in my home. Their use of materials and how they put it all together is truly inspirational –  minimal but still powerful. My current modern favourites at the moment are Apparatus NY, Kelly Wrestler, Based Upon, Studio Giancarlo Valle, and Sabine Marcelis. And off course the classics, Oscar Niemyer, Pieree Jeanneret, Marcel Bruer, Verner Panton, Nanna Ditzel, Charlotte Perriand – the list goes on.

Photo by Elsika Kyselkova, Art Direction by Mimi Shodeinde

5. Cooking and Good Wine
There is nothing I love more than cooking and hosting. Cooking is my escape and therapy. I don’t like ordering takeout, I would rather drive to the supermarket, buy fresh ingredients, and cook whilst drinking a glass of wine and listening to music. I don’t like recipe books, as I believe cooking should come from the soul.

There is nothing worse than going to a dinner party and seeing bad tableware or glassware. That’s why when I designed the Okuta collection I really wanted to include very unique pieces for lovers of cooking, hosting, and serving. Apart from cooking a delicious meal for your loved ones, there is no better feeling than someone complimenting your tableware or asking where you got it from! And of course, a few amazing bottles of wine to accompany a delicious home cooked meal. The Okuta Decanter is my personal favourite from the collection, you definitely won’t feel bad decanting your expensive treasured bottle of wine into it.

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